The PERFECT Easy Going Away Gift for a Friend Moving Overseas

Saying goodbye to friends moving abroad is tough. After coming back home and parting from some of my closest friends yet a second time, I was inspired to write this post. One of the hardest things about moving overseas is being away from your family: the ones that you choose and the ones you’re bound to by blood. My sister gifted me an “open when” letters gift when I first went to college and although I was far away, it was awesome gift that let me feel her support during my highs and lows.

Today it’s easier than it’s ever been to stay in touch with our overseas friends, but in many cases we still have to deal with the time difference and the distance is still definitely felt. Unfortunately, sometimes they are sleeping when we need them. This is why this is one of the best farewell gifts for someone moving abroad. It’s both a practical gift and a thoughtful one, and this excellent gift will help you and friend stay connected while they are living abroad. Even if your friend will be in a different time zone, if they will need support, they won’t just remain with unanswered calls, they will have your letters.

What Are Open When Letters?

Open when letters are the perfect gift idea for friends, family members, or other loved ones that are moving abroad or starting a new chapter in life. The idea behind this sentimental gift is simple. Just like the name implies, it’s a bunch of letters that your friend moving abroad should open at certain times that you specify. For example when they need a hug or when they feel homesick.

This is where your friendship comes in. You should think about what you want to share with them in each situation and write a letter, or share some pictures, items, or virtually anything else you can wrap up to offer your support.

Your friend living abroad is sure to appreciate this in times where they feel like they need a shoulder to lean on or when they will be longing for home, which is sure to happen to friends going abroad at some point while they are living overseas. And the best part about this fun gift is that you can DIY it, and all you need are papers and a pen.

How to Make Open When Letters for Friends Moving Overseas

If you don’t like DIYs, here’s a super convenient and cute pre-made open when booklet that you can easily order off Amazon, which I also linked at the end of the post.


  • Paper
  • A writing tool (pen, pencil, crayon, you name it)
  • Envelopes
  • Journal or a box to serve as the place all the envelopes will be stored. You can be creative with this, see step 6.
  • Optional:
    • Decorative supplies such as stickers, stamps, colors, glitter, etc.
    • Other items that you want to include such as games, gifts, pictures, etc. Just make sure to also have wrapping paper and space to put them!

You can be really creative with this gift and take it in whatever direction you choose! And if you’re doing it last minute, all you really need is a paper and pencil and some envelopes or stickers to close the paper because the most important part of this thoughtful gift are the words from your heart.

1. Come up with a list of prompts for your letters

The idea behind open when letters as a going away gift idea is to show your friend that you want to continue being there for them despite the distance and difficulties in staying in touch after moving abroad. That’s why the first step is to think of scenarios where you friend might need words of encouragement or congratulations. Try to make a list of about 20, so you have options to choose from, but the more the merrier!

Here are some ideas you can start with:

  • Open when you feel lonely
  • Open when you’re homesick
  • Open on Thanksgiving (or other holidays)
  • Open on your birthday
  • Open when you need a laugh
  • Open when you need a hug
  • Open when you want to reminisce

2. Decide on how many you actually want to make

Now you have to choose the prompts you’ll turn into your perfect farewell gift. You can make this decision based on how many pages you have in your journal, how many envelopes fit into your box or on your board. Choose the prompts that resonate with you the most so that the content and items you add to them will come truly from your heart.

3. Write a letter

Now it’s time for the good part. Sit down with your list of prompts and start with writing your first letter. Think about the “when” in the prompt and let your mind run free.

Use your creative freedom. You don’t just have to use your words. You can include anything you want here. Pictures, QR codes, toys, perfume scents, your half-eaten sandwich, you name it. Well… maybe you shouldn’t include your half-eaten sandwich, that’s pretty gross!

4. Label your envelope and put your letters (and other sentimental items and presents) inside

Feel free to use wrapping paper, boxes, or whatever fits the letter or other items in the previous step instead of an envelope. If you have a physical gift that goes along with a certain letter, a good idea is to label it with a number that matches a number on the envelope or label it with the same prompt as the envelope and indicate on the envelope or in the letter that there is a gift that goes along with it so your friend won’t miss it.

If you don’t have envelopes that’s ok! You can fold your letters in half or in three and then write the label on the outside like so:

5. Repeat steps 3-4 to your hearts content!

Repeat the previous 2 steps until you have the amount of letters you’re happy with.

6. Decorate and gift!

Decorate your envelopes or other wrappers with whatever you want– markers, stickers, crayons, paint, strings, glitter, anything. I like either trying to make a cohesive theme so that they all match each other, or giving each card it’s own unique theme so that each one is different. The possibilities are endless.

This is also the part where you put your letters into one place. Again, you can be creative with this, but I’ll explain two of my favorite ideas below: the journal, and the board (which is what my sister did for me).

The Journal

  1. Find a journal you like that’s appropriately sized for your envelopes. Make sure that each page is larger than the envelope.
  2. Tape or glue each envelope to each page. Make sure the labels are clear on either the envelopes or the pages themselves. If you labeled your envelopes on the wrong side that’s ok, just label them again on the right one.
  3. Remove unnecessary pages.
  4. Decorate!

The Board

  1. Find a nice corkboard or string board that you can attach pictures with some pins.
  2. Add the envelopes to the boards in the manner of your choosing.
  3. Decorate!

Other ideas:

  • Accordion
  • Trinket box
  • Binder
  • Filing folder
  • Stringing them together
  • Putting them in a bag with nice tissue paper

More Resources

Here’s a link to a super cute and brilliant pre-made open when letters booklet.

Here’s a link to my Pinterest for more open when letter ideas to inspire you.

I hope this article helped you make the perfect gift for your family member or friend abroad. Moving to another country is not an easy task and comes with its obstacles, even if it’s just temporary. When I moved abroad and had to navigate a new country, I really appreciated and at the same time missed the support of my friends overseas. I was so grateful for them at my lows and highs, and felt countless times like I was missing out being close to them back in my home country.

Until next time,
Take a shans!


  1. Sagit says:

    Absolutely love it!!!

    1. Take A Shans says:

      Thank you!!! <3

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